Medicinal plants used to cure various diseases

Aṁbrōṇi: A plant Grewia microcos, Linn.(Tiliaceae). Decoction of its leaves is medicine for indigestion and cold fever.

Añjana: A kind of medicine applied to the eyelids.

Anile/Aḷilè : The gall nut;Ink nut of the large tree. It is also called Terminalia chebula, (Combretaceae). Used as medicine for urinary. disorders, swelling, piles, itches.

Aṇilè or Aḷile
Author of the image: Salil Kumar Mukharjee

Ārṁbuḍo: The castor oil plant, Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae). The decoction of its roots mixed with butter is used as medicine for stomach disorders, rheumatism headaches. The oil of its seeds is purgative. Other names of this names are āluṁbuḍo.

Castor oil plant
Author of Image : Alvesgaspar

Āḍalōḍu: The Malabar nut tree. Its scientific name is Adhatoda vasica (Acanthaceae). The leaves of this plant are so bitter. Its leaves are used as medicine to cure cough, paralysis, fever and respiratory disorders.

Author of image: ShineB

Urki: A tall shrub, country-mallow, Sida indica, Linn. or Abutilon indicum, Don. (Malvaceae). The roots are used in medicine to cure leprosy and swelling. Seeds are used as purgatives.

Author of image: Bō-á-tún ê hoe

Eddumbè : A kind of medicinal plant The root is used in preparing medicine to cure throat pain